
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi


Fujiwara Yasumasa Plays the Flute by Moonlight
(Fujiwara Yasumasa Gekka Roteki)

a moonlit view of a flute player on a windy night, to his right a bandit concealed by the bending grasses prepares to draw his sword, the storm clouds hand-applied by the printer, each sheet with a dusting of alum (similar to mica); signed zu oju Taiso Yoshitoshi sha, with artist's seals Taiso and Yoshitoshi, printer's seal Suri Tsune, published by Akiyama Buemon in 1883

oban yoko-e triptych 37.9 by 76.3 cm. (width with margins overlapped 73.4 cm.)

Currently on loan to Splendors of Meiji Japan, August 6 - October 23, at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida.

(inv. no. 10-2143)

price: Sold


Scholten Japanese Art is open Monday - Friday, and some Saturdays by appointment only

Contact Katherine Martin at
(212) 585-0474 or email
[email protected]
to schedule a visit between 11am and 4pm preferably for no more than two individuals at a time.

site last updated
May 15, 2024

Scholten Japanese Art
145 West 58th Street, suite 6D
New York, New York 10019
ph: (212) 585-0474
fx: (212) 585-0475